Landscape Greenery and Benches
Dedicate a Tree, Bush, Grass, Flower or Bench

Pay tribute to your loved one with a beautiful flowering Crabapple tree. As the seasons change, this tree will bring back fond memories of spring time, summer time and holidays. Personalized plaque included. Only 2 available.

Known as "one of the lovliest birches", this elegant tree with it's paper-like bark is sure to be the center of attention. Surrounded by sitting benches, you can relax in the sun and recall the memories of your loved one. Personalized plaque included. Only 1 available.

A nice variety of ornamental grasses and flowers will circle the garden. Each item can be individually purchased in memory of your loved one or purchase a river rock to be placed amongst the colorful landscape. Personalized plaque available for additional $20.00. Dwarf Zebra Grass - 11 available. Feather Reed Grass - 11 available. Golden Japanese Forest Grass - 4 available. Reed Canary Grass, In Bloom - 3 available. Bee Balm, Purple - 6 available. Black Eyed Susan Daylily - 11 available. Dianthus Cottage Pink, Pink - 6 available. Dianthus Cottage Pink, White - 5 available. Meadow Sage - 4 available. Russian sage - 4 available. Sweet William, Red - 5 available.

Nestled among the landscape, these spectacular plants will brighten the memories of those who have passed on. Each item can be individually purchased in dedication of your loved one or purchase a river rock to be customized and placed among the colorful landscape. Personalized plaque available for additional $20.00. Burning Bush, Summer - 6 available. Smooth Hydrangea, White - 6 available. Pink Double Knock Out Rose - 3 available. Jackman Clematis - 2 available.

These beautiful black granite garden benches are the perfect way to honor your pet or loved one's memory. The assembled bench measures 24″x14″x14″High and is finished with a picture and up to 10 lines of text permanently engraved in the granite. Only 2 available.